Posts Tagged ‘ creative commons ’

article featured offsite

newsflash! excitement! suspense! (well, i’m excited, but that’s probably it).

the wonderful SphynxCatVP, who runs the excellent SphynxCat’s Real Vampires Support Website, has included my post on types of donors in her article library. i am well chuffed, as you might imagine; this is the first time (to my knowledge) that one of my articles has left my site, to be included in one of the big reference sites of the community. it feels really good to be appreciated like this.

which reminds me that i need to put up my copyright notice. unless otherwise specified, i use a creative commons license with the following options: attribution, non-commercial, share-alike. that means that you may copy content from this blog as long as you a) attribute it to me (by name and with a link back to the site) [edit: a copyright notice is required, while a link back is appreciated], b) don’t use it commercially (if in doubt, ask), and c) apply the same license to any copies or derivative works you make of it. if you are in doubt about whether you can use my content, or would like additional rights, ask me.*

also, comments are of course copyright their respective authors, and a few texts remain all rights reserved (and are marked as such).

*leave a comment in an appropriate place, or email me at ladydiss74 [at] gmail [dot] com. include [being a swan] (including the square brackets) in the subject line, otherwise you risk falling into my spam filter and being deleted automatically.